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Welcome toLinton C.E. Infant School

Where happiness and achievement go hand in hand

Christian Character and Collective Worship

On The Way To Church One Day...

Linton CE Infant School is a Church of England Voluntary Aided (VA) school and our Christian ethos and aims are embedded in our practices, the way in which all members of the school community behave towards each other, and in the experiences and learning opportunities we offer. We are an inclusive school and warmly welcome children, families and staff of all faiths and none.


We are a caring and creative school which strives to ensure that our children become confident learners and are fully equipped with the skills and values that will allow them to flourish. Our topics and the out of school experiences we offer provide opportunities for children to be open to new experiences, new knowledge and new people. Our children experience joy and wonder and they explore and discover for themselves. We look to develop the whole child, allowing them the opportunity to explore their own spirituality and foster a strength of belief in their own faith, while developing a strong understanding of, and respect for others in the wider community.


We actively promote the Church of England Vision for Education 'Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good' by educating for hope, wisdom, community and dignity to promote life in all its fullness.


At Linton CE Infant School we are passionate that every child has the opportunity to succeed and fulfill their potential. Therefore every child's progress is monitored and tracked carefully and support is given where necessary.


Collective Worship is held morning after registration. It is a time for the whole school to come together and focus on the Christian values that underpin everything we do here at Linton CE Infant School. On Tuesdays our collective worship takes the form of singing where we enjoy exploring our values through a range of songs that are regularly included in our Friday services. We also have a weekly assembly that celebrates achievements and we use this as an opportunity to recognise when children have demonstrated our values as well as an opportunity to reflect upon our shared ethos in collective worship. We are very lucky to enjoy a close relationship with St Mary's Church and attend a family service every Friday. All parents and families are welcome to join us for this and the children play an active role within this service. In line with the 1988 Education Reform Act, which states that collective worship should be ‘wholly or mainly of a broadly Christian character’, we normally base our assemblies on the teachings  and traditions of the Christian Church. However, we conduct our assemblies in a manner that is sensitive to the individual faith and beliefs of all members of the school and may make reference to the beliefs of others. While the majority of acts of worship in our school are Christian, we also hold assemblies that reflect other religious traditions that are represented in the school and the wider community.

Parents have a legal right to withdraw their children from collective worship. If you wish to withdraw your child then please contact the headteacher in writing to do so.