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Welcome toLinton C.E. Infant School

Where happiness and achievement go hand in hand

Philip Darke

I have lived in Linton since 1983. I have 4 boys, Chris, Oliver, Lewis and Aaran.

All have gone through Linton Infants which is a great school. I am now the Local Authority Governor, attending Full Governing Body meetings and I am part of the Finance & Property committee.

I am at Camgrain and have been I have been since I left Agricultural College where I studied engineering. Camgrain is now the largest storage co operative in the UK for Combinable crops; wheat and barley etc. Camgrain handles about 600k tonnes annually across 4 sites in central England . I have been involved with all aspects of the Camgrain business, logistics, planning, marketing, engineering , health and safety , operation and finance .

As a family, we are fully supportive of the work at the school.

