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Welcome toLinton C.E. Infant School

Where happiness and achievement go hand in hand

Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Governors' section!


This section is to share with you how the governors lead and manage the school demonstrating it's three core functions;

Governors ensure that the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined;

Governors ensure that the headteacher performs her responsibilities for the educational standards; and

They ensure the sound, proper and effective use of the school's financial resources.


In exercising their functions the governing body shall;

act with integrity, objectivity and honesty in the best interest of the school; and

be open about decisions they make and the actions they take and in particular shall be prepared to explain their decisions and actions to interested parties.


Linton C.E Infant School is a voluntary aided school which means the Governing Body is predominantly made up of Governors who are appointed through Linton Parish Church; either as a Parochial Church Council (PCC) appointment or nominated locally and approved by the Diocesan Board of Education and Training (DBET) at Ely. Cambridgeshire County Council as the Local Education Authority (LEA) agrees another appointment. The Headteacher, a Teacher Governor and a Governor from the non-teaching staff come from the school so the Body is made up of representatives of the parents, staff and members of the local community.


All governors are equal on the board. The term of office for all governors is 4 years. As employers, we follow safer recruitment standards and all new governors should expect to have a DBS check (Disclosure and Barring Service search to check that there have been no criminal convictions against that person).


We meet as a full Governing Body twice a term and our sub-committees meet once a term. In addition there are working parties on specific projects, educational meetings and an expectation that the governors will, from time to time after liaison with the Head, visit the school.

In general we are not teachers and our role is not to be like Ofsted and inspect the school. We are there to offer a different view and to ask questions to help the school in its own self-evaluation.


Beyond the support of the leadership team, the Governing Body has a duty to appoint a new Head when the post becomes vacant.
