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Welcome toLinton C.E. Infant School

Where happiness and achievement go hand in hand

Year 1

Our trip to Legoland - we are inventors!

Welcome to Year 1! 


Our year group is made up of Woodpeckers and Bats. 


Our teachers are Miss Campbell in Woodpecker Class and Mrs Vaughan in Bat Class. We have lots of other helpful adults in our classrooms, including: Mrs Anderson (N) Mrs Antelo, Mrs Watkins, Mrs Revans, Mrs Bartlett, Miss Prentice , Mrs Anderson (R) and Miss Chandler for PE.  


You can find some useful information on this page, including our class welcome talk. We will be updating Class Dojo regularly with photos and information about our learning. 




Year 1 Team 


Year One Phonics Screening Practise

Spring Term Two: "We are Inventors" Topic Overview

We are Inventors: Learning Log

Spring One Topic Overview

Spring One Learning Log

Autumn Term A: Topic Overview

Autumn Term 2 Topic Overview

Autumn Term Learning Logs. A few ways to support our topic at home. We would love to see your home learning. Please upload any photos using your Class Dojo portfolio.

Autumn Welcome Meeting 2023-2024

Autumn Term 1: Topic Overview

Phonics Screening
