Linton C.E. Infant School prides itself on its heritage and it's attachment to St Mary's Linton. It is our aim to see the church and school as one. The parish team are committed to working in partnership with us. The church is used by the children as an extension of the school and it is used to support our Religious Education Curriculum. All of the major Christian festivals are celebrated with the church. Each week we hold a family service in the church in which parents are welcome to attend. Many adults attend each week and many stay afterwards for coffee, cake and chat held in the pavillion.
The parish team are a key part of our school community and we work together to ensure that we provide children with many and regular opportunities to explore their spirituality, reflect and discuss 'big questions', have a strength of belief in their own faith and to develop a deeper understanding of Christianity and other faiths within our diverse community.
To find out more about St Mary's and the children's ministry in particular click on the link below.
"Friday Church" is a special time of the week for the children at Linton C.E infant School. Here's are some of the responses given by the children when asked what they enjoyed about our church visits...
" I like the singing" George
"I love blowing the candle out." Hannah
"I like it when everyone sits quietly. It feels nice" Phoebe
"I love the our prayer. It sounds lovely." Lily-May
"I like Mrs. Little's singing, especially "Shine". Lottie
"When we go, there's music. It's fun." Henry
"I like it when Year Two read to us because they read different types of stories." Lilly