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Welcome toLinton C.E. Infant School

Where happiness and achievement go hand in hand

Latest News

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  • New Intake September 2024

    Fri 03 May 2024

    We were excited to see all the names of children due to start with us in EYFS in September. Hopefully all these families have received an email from us with a few key dates. The first important one is Wednesday 15th May when you're invited to a parent information session at 6pm in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Science Learning

    Fri 03 May 2024

    Owl Class also got out and about this week to help with their science learning. They found out all about deciduous and evergreen trees and how the shape of the leaves might help them find out what sort of tree it is. Great nature detectives Owls!

  • Is your child due to start school in September 2024?

    Tue 19 Sep 2023

    If you think Linton CE Infant School may be for your child, why not book to come on one of our Parent tours. A chance to meet the Headteacher and see some of the fantastic things we get up to in school.

    Please telephone 01223 891421 to book onto one of the sessions; Tuesday 7th November, Thursday 9th November and Monday 13th November.

  • Donate a Book!

    Thu 05 May 2022

    If you're looking to help us improve our range of books in the library then please use the link below to see our Amazon Wishlist! Thank you for your support!



  • We're in the news!

    Wed 04 May 2022 Mrs Vaughan

    Our Chair of Governors, Nicola Collard wrote an article on our fantastic "World Book Day" event for "The Linton News" this month. Have a look at the article for more information and ways you can donate to our growing collection of books.

  • New Books Have Landed!

    Sun 27 Mar 2022

    Our new library books have arrived. Thanks to everyone that bought a book at our Usborne Book Fair. Each book bought helped to raise funds to stock our library with new non-fiction titles. 

  • World Book Day 2022

    Tue 15 Mar 2022 Kate Vaughan

    Our World Book Day was a huge highlight this term. We focused on the books of Julia Donaldson and we all wore costumes related her familiar characters. The highway rat was a particularly popular choice this year.


    We enjoyed parading in our costumes, hearing stories read by special guests and signing up to hear new books read in interesting places. 


    Our photographs were even retweeted by the famous illustrator, Lydia Monks!

  • Christingle Trail

    Thu 09 Dec 2021

    Two wonderful afternoons where our Year 2 children brought our Christingle Trail to life! They were dressed as angels, innkeepers, shepherds, wise men and of course Mary and Joseph! At each station the children told their part of the story and gave out each item to create their Christingles. Families visited in small groups and followed the trail of lights and made their Christingle as they went. Their last station was in church with the full Nativity scene and where they were invited to light their candles. Very special times and it brought some Christmas magic to our school community.

  • Christmas Making Afternoon

    Mon 06 Dec 2021

    We had a lovely afternoon making our decorations for our class trees for the Christingle Trail. Can you see a tree for the angels, innkeepers, shepherds, wise men, stars and one with the theme of LOVE?

  • Remembrance Day

    Thu 11 Nov 2021

    A very respectful moment out on the playground at 11am. The whole school stood beautifully around our poppy in silence for 2 minutes, we listened to the The Last Post and words from the poem For the Fallen. Very proud of the respect and empathy shown by all and we were delighted to be able to send off a donation of £96.35 to the Royal British Legion.
