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Welcome toLinton C.E. Infant School

Where happiness and achievement go hand in hand

Wraparound Care, Summer Holiday Club and Training Day Club

We are delighted to be able to offer Wraparound Care in the school from 7.45am until 5.30pm every day.


The Before School Club and After School Club are run by staff members, so are familiar faces to the children. The Clubs are held in the school library and there is always a lot of fun going on!


There are a variety of activities on offer, such as lego, board games, crafts and in the summer, at the After School Club the children have the opportunity to play outside.


At the After School Club a snack is provided, which is a good way to wind down after a busy day at school and before the afternoon activities start. 


We do encourage pre-booking so that we can make sure we have sufficient staffing, however, we are usually able to accommodate last-minute bookings, you can check if there is a space by ringing the school office. We are very flexible, some children attend every day, some once a week and some on an ad-hoc basis. We are also able to collect your child if they are attending an in-school activity club.


Booking forms are sent out half termly and places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. 


We also run a Summer Holiday Club during part of the Summer holidays and for some of the Staff Training Days. Again, these days are run by our existing staff and we usually run a theme each day! We have had great fun exploring dinosaurs, blasting into Space, being Pirates and Superheroes! 
