At Linton C E Infant school we provide a healthy, nutritious balanced meal for all of the children. During this time we encourage children to eat everything that is on their plate, however, no child is forced to eat anything. We believe that mealtimes are a sociable occasion and an opportunity to promote good table manners. Children are expected to use a knife and fork for a hot meal although help is always at hand to assist with cutting up the food.
The dining hall is seen as our school restaurant, the children can select who they wish to sit with regardless of which meal choice they have.
All school meals are produced in our school kitchen. The menus are planned with an aim to increase fibre and reduce fat, salt and sugar in line with the national guidelines for school meals. A weekly menu is displayed in the Hall and the external noticeboard. Requirements for special diets are always catered for. All children within the school are entitled to a free school meal under the Government Universal Free School Meals for all scheme.
We are fortunate that we have a great team in the kitchen who are able to offer a daily hot meal and a hot vegetarian alternative. The hot meals consist of firm favourites such as fish fingers, sausages, meatballs, pasta bake and the ever popular roast dinner. The vegetarians are as equally well catered for with macaroni cheese, quorn sausages and pizza being some of the options. There is always an option of a sandwich or wrap if we know the children won't eat the main hot meal offered. A wide choice of vegetables and salad are always available and children are encouraged to try new tastes.
The puddings are always popular with favourites such as apple crumble, chocolate brownie or carrot cake on offer, alongside cheese and biscuits and fresh fruit daily.
The menus are always sent home so that the children know what is on offer each day, ensuring they will get a meal they are happy with.
Sometimes we enjoy special lunches either linked to our topic or special events during the year. Have a look at the amazing puddings we enjoyed as part of our Bonfire Night special lunch. We enjoyed these whilst watching firework displays on the big screen!