Literacy is an integral part of our curriculum at Linton C.E Infant School. We plan an inclusive and engaging learning journey to allow all children to receive a rich education in reading, writing and speaking.
We encourage our children to be creative, imaginative and to articulate their thinking. We provide immersive stimuli which allow children to develop their reading and writing skills across the wider curriculum.
We believe in a culture where reading for pleasure is valued and children are able to express themselves clearly and with confidence. We intend for our children to continue to develop a widening range of vocabulary and grammar throughout their time at Linton C.E Infant School and beyond. Children should leave our school with fluent and legible handwriting. We aim to equip all children with transferable skills to support them in all their learning.
At Linton C.E. Infant School our Literacy curriculum is based upon the foundations of the National Curriculum. English lessons take place daily and are supplemented by phonics and grammar lessons. Our children all visit our school library on a weekly basis and can borrow books to share at home. We encourage self selection to promote a life long love of books and learning. We foster a strong school/home partnership, children are expected to read at least five times a week at home. We promote reading outside of the school day through our holiday "Extreme Read" competitions, and our daily Reading Challenge.
Writing is inspired by and planned around stimuli, selected by teachers to engage their children. These include the use of high quality texts, topic links and stimulating experiences. We often use a Talk For Writing approach where children learn a text through actions and drama. We actively look for opportunities for children to apply their writing skills across the curriculum.
Grammar and spelling are mainly taught in context and through our daily phonics and grammar lessons, based on the Read, Write INC framework. It is modelled through live and shared writing.